Gort Braggern


When Gort Braggern enters a room the scent of circuitry seems to follow along. Small robots are inexplicably drawn to him and hand held devices long to be held in his hand. There seems to be a symbiosis between Gort and the electronics he surrounds himself with. Indeed, it is said that he has breathed enough of the magic smoke that make electronic devices work that he is part circuitry himself.

By joining the flock here at Chicken House Records, Gort Braggern broadens the scope & scale of our sound with things like drum kits, electric basses, and synthesizers. Low frequencies, hi frequencies, a steady beat and a sense of irony are his stock in trade... generally.

Prickly Pear
It's a song...lend it your ear.

Now you can go totally mid-cen with Gort Braggern's latest tune Prickly Pear. With Prickly Pear Gort takes aim at 1963 hipsters starting on the west coast and ending on the east. Get ready to be snapping your fingers and saying "daddy-o" like you really mean it.  
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Solar Wind
It's a song...lend it your ear.

Spread your wings and sail away on the Solar Wind. Gort Braggern takes us on an adventurous ride to the outer planets in this lively bit of a tune.  
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It's a song...lend it your ear.

Gort Braggern synthesizes the anthem to the upcoming technological "Singularity!"

The are many concepts of the upcoming "Singularity." Here Gort is focusing upon just one: the moment when humans will be able to "upload their consciousness" into a machine. Sound like fun, eh? Just think of it... no more soggy toast!! To stay true to the spirit of the song, Gort assures us that no human vocal cords where used in the recording of this tune.

The future's here at last
  upload your mind.
Neurons are the past.
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Ring Ring (the telephone rings)
It's a song...lend it your ear.

Gort seems to be on a phone kick. First with Selfie and now with this current song... I have to admit, it would make a good ring tone.

Ring, ring,
    the telephone rings,
but we're not near to answer

Ring, ring,
  the telephone rings,
but we're not near to answer.  
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It's a song...lend it your ear.

Gort Braggern makes his Chicken House Records debut with the song Selfie. Gort is expanding Chicken House Recrods into new genres with drum kits, synthesizers and music you can sing and dance to!
Yes, it is nearly Pop Music, go figure.

Got a phone in my hand
take a picture with my phone
  and that picture, yes, its gonna be of me.

Gonna twitter, Instagram it
swipe it right it will be the hit
    Cause it's really what the world needs to see.
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Gort Braggern Releases
Prickly Pear
Go totally mid-cen with Gort Braggern's latest tune Prickly Pear. With Prickly Pear Gort takes aim at 1963 hipsters starting on the west coast and ending on the east. Get ready to be snapping your fingers and saying "daddy-o" like you really mean it.
Solar Wind
Spread your wings and sail away on the Solar Wind. Gort Braggern takes us on an adventurous ride to the outer planets in this lively bit of a tune.
The future is here at last   upload your mind. Neurons are the past.     Singularity
Ring Ring (the telephone rings)
Gort seems to be on a phone theme. First with Selfie and now with this current song... I have to admit, it would make a good ring tone.
Gort Braggern makes his Chicken House Records debut with the song Selfie. Gort is expanding Chicken House Recrods into new genres with drum kits, synthesizers and music you can sing and dance to! Yes, it is nearly Pop Music, go figure.

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